Defulin Burma Teak Wood Flitch - Thickness: 2" 3" 4" 5" etc. Length: 7ft 8ft 9ft 10ft etc.
Burmese Teak Wood Flich is a universal teak wood material that can be customized to a variety of special specifications. With lengths ranging from 7 feet to 12 feet and widths ranging from 5 inches to 15 inches, it is highly useful in making yacht decks, interior doors, and more.
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High precision saw table
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¥0.00 CNY each
Unique and customizable.Burma teak wood flitch are available in a wide range of sizes to provide the optimal solution for customers' needs.
Higher yield.Defulin uses flat band saw blades to ensure the flatness of the squares, making the wood easier to utilize.
Uniformity of color.The color is uniform and the grain is even.Material cut from Burmese Teak Wood Flitch is able to achieve a more uniform color and closer grain.